Clinical, 2020
Definition of Clinical: very efficient or without feeling; coldly detached.
Clinical reflects on the dependancy we have on technology within contemporary western society, particularly the screen. As a society in general, we invest so much of our time into screens and rely on them for communication. When something is passed from reality and into the digital realm physicality, materiality and immediacy is lost. There is a transformation into an infinite and inorganic state. Clinical explores this idea of lost touch in relation to the human body and the personal dissociation we may feel towards it as a result of rapidly advancing technology, science and medicine.
Moving image taken from inside the mouth using a microscopic probe is projected, the shifting light penetrates through 3 plastic sheets. As it does so, the imagery becomes more ambiguous, creating a sense of distance. The transfiguration of the natural to the idea digital and synthetic is represented visually by the confinement of an oblique frame and the use of the plastic sheets. The visitor is offered to walk between these sheets, becoming encapsulated within a virtual representation of internal body and its movement.